Saturday 19 October 2013

Answering the Guy Questions: The Set-Apart Girl's Guide to Relating to the Opposite Sex- Leslie Ludy

Blurb:- Bestselling author and speaker Leslie Ludy follows up her powerful, ground-breaking release, "Set-Apart Femininity," with the book every young woman has been waiting for. How does today's young woman handle the difficult questions surrounding guys, relationships, and waiting for the right one? Leslie uses her experiences, both in mentoring numerous girls and with her own beautiful love story, to give straightforward help and advice on these questions and more. Instead of trying to follow the world's plan for capturing the man of your dreams, Leslie challenges her readers to live a set-apart life and develop a Christ-consumed heart. She shares the secret to becoming a woman who is truly beautiful and irresistible to a godly man. From understanding modern guys and the plan God has for them, to learning how to treat and interact with guys in everyday life, "Answering the Guy Questions" will equip young woman with inspiration and strength to live God's way in all their relationships.

  Review:- What can I say about this book, but that I urge you all my sisters in the LORD to read this book. It is entirely scriptural and has the power to stir your heart with love for our heavenly King and return him as your first love. It certainly did for me! I feel like my eyes have opened to so many new things and you know what, this book is a lot about what qualities a warrior-poet man who is worthy of your heart should have. However, to me while I very much want to be married to a Great Godly man someday in God's timing, this book made me embrace the gift of singleness. I no longer feel the need to 'turn heads' or constantly look my best because "charm is deceitful and beauty IS passing..." (proverbs 31:30). I am simply amazed and I will keep on singing praises for it, I'm so thankful that God led Leslie Ludy to write this, ALL my questions on purity and the right behavior or conduct, as well as modesty, its ALL in there! so grab your Bible, grab a few of your mates, grab this book and read, read, read and be so immeasurably blessed! I know the lessons I've learned will carry me for a lifetime. God bless all of you and stand firm in the LORD in all things! Rating:- a straight five out of five! Excellent book!