Saturday 14 March 2015

The Crimson Cord- Jill Eileen Smith

Big Thank you to Revell Publishers for sending me this book for an honest review!

 The story of Rahab is one of my ultimate favourite stories. When i was in bible college i took a class on the book of Joshua, so imagine my utter happiness when i was reading this story to see the wars, the treachery of Achan and the deception of the Gibeonites in here!

 This story was a really original retelling of Rahab and Salmon's story (which again, is one of my ultimate favourites) What I liked about it was the originality.

 I've read loads of Rahab retellings and none had her be sold into prostitution because of a husband, so this is awesome!

Also, many retelling stop after the Hebrews take Jericho. This one goes beyond that and shows what happens after!

 The characters were great, smith did what not a whole lot of Christian Authors do...she made the character, even the hero- Salmon flawed. Cool right?

 So for those who are not familiar with Rahab's story found in the book of Joshua, I'll do a bit of a plot description.

Is there any hope of redemption for a prostitute?
 Rahab didn't believe so.
 In the land of Jericho, filled with pagan practices and debauchery, fear has suddenly consumed the land.
 The Hebrews are coming.
 The Hebrews with their God- Adonai, who parted the red sea, who destroyed Egypt, the nomads who have wandered the desert for 40 years...are finally claiming their promised land.

 Rahab has lived a horrifying life, satisfying the wiles of men. So when destruction is inevitable and suddenly salvation comes knocking at the doorway... how could she refuse?
 Will the Hebrew God accept her?

 Read to find out!

 Okay now, what i wasn't a big fan of: Rahab in this story showed only minimal interest in the Hebrew God before the Hebrews took Jericho and then, she becomes devoted. I would have loved it if she had showed a stronger curiosity even before...because let's face it, why else would she put herself in danger?

 But apart from that is was original (as original as a biblical retelling can be) and it had biblical references for a lot of the chapters.

I liked it!

God bless!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Mining For God Trailer

Heeey Readers!

Have you found yourself asking the question of 'What is Christianity?' or 'What do people think Christianity is?'

A documentary was made, focusing on the American culture about these questions of Christianity. There are a bunch of speakers like Lee strobel, Paul Copan, Nabel Qureshi and many more who speak about it and in it.

I'm not telling you guys this as a money- grabbing scheme, I just watched the trailer and thought it looked cool! What do you guys think? There's a link at the bottom:

Mining For God- Official Trailer

I haven't watched the movie, so I'm not 100% sure at the arguments, so don't eat me okay? Like I said, I saw the trailer and thought it may be a source of interest to you guys.

God Bless! :)

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Don't get lost in translation

Hiya Readers!

So I was doing a Bible study and just praying and spending time with the Lord, when I got thinking.
Man, this has been the craziest few months of my life...Why, do i feel like I'm trying so hard for something but I'm messing up more than I'm succeeding?

So then like a whisper from the Holy Spirit, It's almost like i heard-

"You're TRYING so hard to be a good Christian that you're FORGETTING to be one."

biggest ouch of my life!

but also, how true is that?

Many of us want to be like the apostles and disciples...don't deny it, you know it's true.
However, whenever we fall short we feel like we're God's biggest we think, I just have to try harder!

And then, everything else gets lost in translation.

All the sudden we're everywhere trying to be a good christian, our deeds are there but our heart is grossly missing out of it.

biggest no-no.

What is the greatest commandment?
Yes, you're nodding going, Em, Its Mark 12: 28-34, give me something harder than this kid!

Yes, you'd be right, but I'll remind you. When I was in Bible college one of my teachers used to say- "When you think you know everything there is to know about the Bible, that's when you realise that you know nothing."

So we are to Love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.

This is very true.

So when you're trying to be a good Christian, you're forgetting that you're doing it for Christ...Your focus is all about you and spiritually- you're dying a little.

So whatever you do, do it unto the Lord that's what I want to encourage you because at the end of the day, it's not what you do that matters, but why and how you did it that will stick with people the most.

A verse that really tugged at my heart strings this week

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven" -Matthew 5:16

Maybe this post was for you. Don't despair...just return to your first love. Confess, Repent and thank him...He is good and will uphold you always.

Stay awesome and God Bless.
